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Develop a Common Operational Picture using ExInsight. Data can be gathered by your own organisation and enhanced with additional data layers to build up an accurate and comprehensive picture of your operational environment and your organisation within it. The resultant product is dynamic and will change as the environment does, allowing you to make better decisions, faster.

Access the right information,
at the right time.

An image showing how ExInsight can be used to build situational awareness by creating layers of data derived from closed and open sources.  The image shows a screenshot of ExInsight with Hex Bin Mapping of Incident data.


Stand out from the crowd.

Other stakeholders can use the platform to remain situationally aware. By using ExInsight as a common frame of reference the platform allows you to coordinate action across a project or programme allowing you to make coordinated data driven decisions across multiple stakeholders and functions.

Access real-time reports, anywhere and any time.

Check the status of ongoing projects and instantly see clear analysis through auto charting and graphs – giving you clear, actionable outputs across multiple functions.

Pinpoint patterns, as soon as they're detected.

Our intuitive analytics and custom threshold values will alert you when things are out of the ordinary, allowing you to pinpoint outliers quickly and with confidence.

See how ExInsight can help your team.

An image depicting an environment such as a conflict zone or post-conflict zone, where ExInsight's software would be useful for creating situational awareness.

Use Case

Situation Awareness.

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How ExInsight can help you demonstrate situation awareness.

The Answers You Need

We believe that good information management is crucial for situation awareness.  Being able to get the information to the right people at the right time relies on being able to define information requirements, collecting relevant and structured data, collating that information, being able to analyse the information, and finally, being able to disseminate it.  All of that relies on robust information management. For a short expansion on this, we recommend or article on the concept of 'information on demand, not by demand.'

Is ExInsight an Information Management System?

ExInsight can process multiple data sets and join those data sets into one shared view. We believe this is a key component of the concept of a 'common operational picture'. With ExInsight you can see your own proprietary data alongside open or third-party data sets such as ACLED, for example, resulting in analysis and presentations that are unique. For more information, see product features or contact us to discuss data sources.

Can I integrate other data sets with ExInsight?

The short answer is yes, significantly. ExInsight use the Intelligence Cycle as a model for learning and we believe the key to shortening the information cycle lies with collation. By automating the collation phase, we withdraw friction from the process and remove the manual, repetitive steps that often take up the time of analysts. Learn more about how our product works and our approach to the intelligence cycle.

Does ExInsight shorten the analytical process?

ExInsight can be used to help develop an Intelligence Preparation for the Battlefield (IPB) and can be used as part of a C4i system.  The modular aspect of ExInsight lends itself to the development of mission planning, in particular gathering data to support an ASCOPE PMESII analysis, incorporating the following sections:

  • Define the operational environment

  • Describe battlefield effects

  • Terrain Analysis

  • Overlay Weather Data

  • Evaluate the threat by:

    • Defining ​Threat Course of Actions (COAs).

    • Most likely course of action (MLCOA)

    • Most dangerous course of action (MDCOA)

Can ExInsight be used for IPB?

Yes, those permitted to do so, can extract data for use in platforms such as Esri ArcGIS™ to enable downstream processing of data and interoperability. 

Can ExInsight interoperate with other software and systems?

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